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Writer's pictureManny Alfinez

The Medical Marijuana Use Registry (Rolling Limit)

Updated: Jun 10, 2024

The MMUR is the state platform that all entities use (patients, clinics, dispensaries & state) to manage persons registered & licensed to use MMJ. Similar to the systems used between physicians/clinics, pharmacies, and regulating entities. Each demographic may access but so much under a patient’s profile (HIPAA) depending on access required. It is where a patient may see all information regarding their certification & license. From applying for a license to seeing their physician information, certification, routes of administration/amounts available and dispensed, expiration/renewal dates, etc. Unfortunately, most patients are unfamiliar with the MMUR and how to navigate the platform. Patients have more access/control than they think. As it stands, 2/13/23, a licensed/registered MMJ physician may recommend up to three 70-Day or 210-Day orders for all products other than “Flower” or actual marijuana. Flower is recommended in up to six 35-Day or 210-Day orders with a maximum of 2.5oz (w/o exception*) per any given 35-Day period (rolling limit). The current max limits per route of administration are as follows (rolling limit):

Edibles 60mg/day or 4,200mg/70 days; Inhalation 350mg/day or 24,500mg/70 days; Oral 200mg/day or 14,000/70 days; Sublingual 190mg/day or 13,000mg/70 days; Topical 150mg/day or 10,500mg/70 days; Smoking Marijuana 2.5oz/35 days. (Aggregate amount CANNOT exceed 24,500mg w/o exception) Exception to the current policies are done on a case by case basis and each clinic has their own procedures in submitting exception(s) to policy to the state. Fees may be included.

Rolling limits are not limited by date of recommendation. Rather date and amount of purchase. For example, lets say you have a max and available limit of 2.5oz of flower at the time of purchase. Your purchase totals 1oz of flower. You now will have 1.5oz of flower available for purchase for the next 35 days. On day 36, the 1oz becomes available again. What if your recommendation expires and you have a balance? The balance left over does not rollover into a new recommendation. For example, lets say your current recommendation expires today and you have .25oz left available. You decide to recertify the next day. You will still have .25oz available based on the dates of purchase. Not 2.75oz (rollover) or 2.5oz (reset). This same policy applies to the aggregate amount of Oral, Sublingual, Topical, Edible, and Inhalation. All of this information may be seen via your personal MMUR profile. Keep in mind that the reset or put back date is one day after the expiration date of a dispensed amount listed. If it states .512oz with an expiration date of 2/15/23, the .512oz will then be available on 2/16/23,

Would you like to ask questions and/or request further information? Schedule an appointment today by using the site or inquiring by using the Contact tab.

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